import sys
import time
import os
import inspect
import subprocess
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Optional, List
import tempfile
from firexapp.common import wait_until
from firexapp.reporters.json_reporter import load_completion_report
from firexkit.resources import get_cloud_ci_install_config_path
from firexapp.submit.submit import get_firex_id_from_output, get_log_dir_from_output
from firexapp.submit.tracking_service import has_flame
from firexapp.submit.install_configs import load_new_install_configs, INSTALL_CONFIGS_ENV_NAME
from firexapp.testing.config_base import InterceptFlowTestConfiguration, FlowTestConfiguration
class ConfigInterpreter:
execution_directory = None
tmp_json_file: Optional[str]
def __init__(self):
self.profile = False
self.coverage = False
self.is_public = False
self.tmp_json_file = None
def is_submit_command(test_config: FlowTestConfiguration):
cmd = test_config.initial_firex_options()
if not cmd:
return False
if cmd[0] in "submit":
return True
return cmd[0] not in ["list", "info"]
def is_instance_of_intercept(test_config: FlowTestConfiguration):
base_classes = [cls.__name__ for cls in inspect.getmro(type(test_config))[1:]]
return InterceptFlowTestConfiguration.__name__ in base_classes
def create_mock_file(results_folder, results_file, test_name, intercept_microservice):
mock_file_name = test_name + ""
mock_file = os.path.join(results_folder, mock_file_name)
intercept_task = """
import os
from celery import current_app as app
from firexkit.task import FireXTask
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def {0}(**kwargs):
local_stuff = locals()
import pickle
def str_default(o):
return str(o)
from helper import str2file
file_path = "{1}"
dir_path = os.path.dirname(file_path)
if not os.path.isdir(dir_path):
with open(file_path, "wb") as f:
pickle.dump(local_stuff, f)
if not os.path.isfile(file_path):
raise Exception("Could not create result files")
content = intercept_task.format(intercept_microservice, results_file)
if not os.path.isdir(results_folder):
with open(mock_file, "w") as f:
return mock_file
def document_viewer(self, file_path: str)->str:
return file_path
def get_intercept_results_file(flow_test_config):
return os.path.join(flow_test_config.results_folder, + ".results")
def get_test_name(flow_test_config):
return flow_test_config.__class__.__name__
def run_integration_test(self, flow_test_config, results_folder):
# provide sub-folder for testsuite data
flow_test_config.results_folder = os.path.join(results_folder,
flow_test_config.std_out = os.path.join(flow_test_config.results_folder, + ".stdout.txt")
flow_test_config.std_err = os.path.join(flow_test_config.results_folder, + ".stderr.txt")
cmd = self.create_cmd(flow_test_config)
self.run_executable(cmd, flow_test_config)
def create_cmd(self, flow_test_config) -> List[str]:
# assemble options, adding/consolidating --external and --sync
cmd = self.get_exe(flow_test_config)
cmd += flow_test_config.initial_firex_options()
plugins = self.collect_plugins(flow_test_config)
if plugins:
cmd += ["--plugins", ",".join(plugins)]
submit_test = self.is_submit_command(flow_test_config)
if submit_test:
flow_test_config.logs_link = os.path.join(flow_test_config.results_folder, + ".logs")
cmd += ["--logs_link", flow_test_config.logs_link]
if getattr(flow_test_config, "sync", True):
cmd += ["--sync"]
if has_flame() and getattr(flow_test_config, "flame_terminate_on_complete", True):
cmd += ["--flame_terminate_on_complete"]
if (self.is_public # only use public CI install config for is_public runs
and not getattr(flow_test_config, 'no_install_config', False)
# Some tests supply install configs (via CLI or ENV) for legitimate testing purposes.
and '--install_configs' not in cmd
and INSTALL_CONFIGS_ENV_NAME not in os.environ):
# TODO: should merge test-specific install_configs with ci-viewer configs,
# since we usually want the ci URLs, even with a test's install_config specifies other stuff.
cmd += ['--install_configs', get_cloud_ci_install_config_path()]
if '--json_file' not in cmd:
self.tmp_json_file = tempfile.mktemp(prefix='firex_json_file_')
cmd += ['--json_file', self.tmp_json_file]
return cmd
def get_exe(self, flow_test_config) -> List[str]:
import firexapp
if self.coverage and not hasattr(flow_test_config, 'no_coverage'):
return ["coverage", "run", "--branch", "--append", "-m", firexapp.__name__]
if self.profile:
base_dir = os.path.dirname(firexapp.__file__)
exe_file = os.path.join(base_dir, "")
return ["python", "-m", "cProfile", "-s", "cumtime", exe_file]
return ["python", "-m", firexapp.__name__]
def collect_plugins(self, flow_test_config)->[]:
# add test file and dynamically generated files to --plugins
test_src_file = inspect.getfile(flow_test_config.__class__)
plugins = [
os.path.realpath(test_src_file), # must be first to be imported
submit_test = self.is_submit_command(flow_test_config)
if submit_test:
if self.coverage and not hasattr(flow_test_config, 'no_coverage'):
# add the coverage plugin to restart celery in coverage mode
from firexapp.testing import coverage_plugin
if self.is_instance_of_intercept(flow_test_config):
# create file containing mock and capture microservices
intercept = flow_test_config.intercept_service()
if intercept:
intercept_results_file = self.get_intercept_results_file(flow_test_config)
mock_file = self.create_mock_file(flow_test_config.results_folder,
intercept_results_file,, intercept)
# test and use add_plugins=False to explicitly prevent dynamic plugins being added to the test
extras = getattr(flow_test_config, "add_plugins", [])
if extras:
plugins += extras
if extras is False:
plugins = []
return plugins
def run_executable(self, cmd, flow_test_config):
# print useful links
test_src_file = inspect.getfile(flow_test_config.__class__)
if hasattr(flow_test_config, 'logs_link'):
print("\tLogs:", self.document_viewer(flow_test_config.logs_link))
print("\tTest source:", self.document_viewer(test_src_file))
print("\tStdout:", self.document_viewer(flow_test_config.std_out))
print("\tStderr:", self.document_viewer(flow_test_config.std_err))
elapsed_time = None
verification_time = None
# run firex
with open(flow_test_config.std_out, 'w') as std_out_f, open(flow_test_config.std_err, 'w') as std_err_f:
start_time = time.monotonic()
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=std_out_f, stderr=std_err_f,
universal_newlines=True, shell=False, cwd=self.execution_directory,
env=os.environ | flow_test_config.get_extra_run_env())
_, _ = process.communicate(timeout=getattr(flow_test_config, "timeout", 30 * 60))
elapsed_time = time.monotonic() - start_time
verification_start_time = time.monotonic()
# check for expected return code
expected_return = flow_test_config.assert_expected_return_code(process.returncode)
if expected_return is not None:
raise Exception("assert_expected_return_code should not return. It should assert if needed")
if self.tmp_json_file and os.path.isfile(self.tmp_json_file):
flow_test_config.run_data = load_completion_report(self.tmp_json_file)
if self.is_submit_command(flow_test_config) and process.returncode == 0 and \
self.is_instance_of_intercept(flow_test_config) and \
# retrieve captured kwargs and validate them
intercept_results_file = self.get_intercept_results_file(flow_test_config)
if not os.path.isfile(intercept_results_file):
raise FileNotFoundError(intercept_results_file + " was not found. Could not retrieve results.")
import pickle
with open(intercept_results_file, 'rb') as results_file_f:
captured_options = pickle.load(results_file_f)
with open(flow_test_config.std_out, 'r') as std_out_f, open(flow_test_config.std_err, 'r') as std_err_f:
errors ="\n")
errors = [line for line in errors if line and not line.startswith("pydev debugger:")]
flow_test_config.assert_expected_firex_output(, "\n".join(errors))
verification_time = time.monotonic() - verification_start_time
except (subprocess.TimeoutExpired, KeyboardInterrupt) as e:
elapsed_time = getattr(e, 'timeout', None)
print("\t%s! Current wall time: %s" % (type(e).__name__,'%c')), file=sys.stderr)
verification_start_time = time.monotonic()
self.cleanup_after_timeout(flow_test_config.std_out, flow_test_config.std_err)
verification_time = time.monotonic() - verification_start_time
except Exception as e:
print('\tException: {}: {}'.format(type(e).__name__, e), file=sys.stderr)
self.on_test_exit(flow_test_config.std_out, flow_test_config.std_err)
except Exception as cleanup_e:
print(f'Exception during flow test cleanup: {cleanup_e}')
if self.tmp_json_file and os.path.exists(self.tmp_json_file):
# report on time
if elapsed_time is not None:
msg = "\tTime %.1fs" % elapsed_time
if verification_time is not None:
overhead = " +(%.1fs)" % verification_time
if overhead != " +(0.0s)":
msg += overhead
def cleanup_after_timeout(self, std_out, std_err):
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic,PyUnusedLocal
def on_test_exit(self, std_out, std_err):
# Try to print to log directory to help with debugging
# noinspection PyBroadException
with open(std_out, 'r') as std_out_f:
std_out_content =
firex_id = get_firex_id_from_output(std_out_content)
if firex_id:
print("\tFireX ID: " + firex_id)
if self.is_public:
install_configs = load_new_install_configs(firex_id,
print(f'\tLogs URL: {install_configs.get_logs_root_url()}')
print(f"\tFlame: {install_configs.run_url}")
except Exception as e: